Then, be alert to the needs of your customers. Show them what you have and make a sale or two. Our distribution system is blessed with an extensive network of trained service centers, the manufacturers offer excellent short and long-term warranties and an 800 number is often available for quick response to questions.
Pressure cookers fall into the category that was once considered primarily heavy equipment. Only a couple of models available could be lifted by just two people. Now the Instant Pot of the models offered allows an establishment of any size to enjoy the substantial benefits of neat transfer by pressure.
The pressure cooker was stacked with two compartments. Two compartments could be stacked above a self-contained electric or gas-fired boiler. Those big units were fast, used little energy compared to other types of food preparation, and were labor efficient because the standard cafeteria size pans could be processed in and out of the compartments and transferred directly to the serving line.
Pressure cooked food
The method preserved the nutrients. The color of vegetables was brighter and the flavor much fresher. Electric pressure cooker and pressure cooker/canner are widely used.
It was logical, therefore, for the large-compartment-type steam cooker to be specified in the kitchens designed to meet the needs of the federal school lunch program. However, the women hired to work in these new kitchens were more than likely the mothers of the children they were feeding and had not necessarily been trained in the use of heavy equipment.
The large compartment doors were heavy and had to be dogged shut much as a hatch in a submarine is closed. And, a gauge that showed pressure with a red danger line was staring them in the face. "No thank, you," was the cry, as the compartments became storage places and the food was cooked in pots on the stove just as it was at home.
Some special, smaller models were designed specifically for the chore of defrosting frozen food products or prepared entrees. It was discovered that if the steam--instead of filling the compartment under pressure--was aimed directly onto the food product, it would defrost the product much faster.
As pressure, which is simply water turned to a gas, touches the cool food, it condenses back into water and leaves a thin layer of moisture on the surface. This "boundary" layer insulates against efficient heat transfer. By directing the steam onto the food the layer is being continually swept away.
The steam is continually forced onto the compartment through jets aimed at the food and then condensed back to water and drained away. Since there is no pressure, there is no need for hand wheels to dog down the door with safety interlocks on the steam supply and no need for pressure gauges.
With this new breed of pressure cooker, the door can be opened at any time to peek at, poke, stir, add, or remove the food. It has now become a major kitchen appliance for all size establishments. A single compartment is usually designed to hold three of the standard 12 by 20 by 2-1/2-inch cafeteria pans. Smaller size pans can be set on racks and more than one food can be prepared at the same time with no concern about flavor transfer.
The first pressure cooker offered was a two-compartment unit, for a total of six pans, with a self-contained steam generator installed in the cabinet below.
Most models blast the pressure cooker across the pan locations through orifices for a jet action. One manufacturer utilizes a fan mounted vertically in the back of the compartment to cause a forced convection action similar to that used in convection ovens. With either design, it is the continuous generation, forced motion of the steam around the food and the condensing of the spent steam into drain water that completes the cycle.
All is not roses, however. There is one major factor that you and your customer should be aware of before selecting a best pressure cooker of any size: steam cookers use a lot of water. The water provided by the municipal supply may be treated so that it is potable or safe to your health, but it could be hazardous to any equipment that uses it. Water quality varies from one geographical area to another but it must be assumed to be harmful to water-intensive equipment such as pressure cookers, as well as ice makers, dishwashers, and coffee makers.
There are three ways to cope with the pressure problem.
- First, you can follow the manufacturers' recommended procedure for cleaning and de-liming on a basis as regular as is needed.
- Second, you can treat the water before it gets into the kitchen system. Those companies who specialize in water treatment systems usually provide a service to test the quality of the water being used at the establishment.
- Final, the choice can then be made as to whether to install a treatment system or follow a regimen of cleaning procedures.
The popularity of pressure cooking continues to rise and the selection and quality of the equipment now available is better than ever. On the market today there are many types of pressure cooker such as: Instant Pot IP 7-In-1 and All American 921, they are the best pressure cookers that many customers use the information.